Welcome to Citizens Credit Union! We invite you to explore our site, and to send us your comments. If you have already invested in the credit union, perhaps you are not aware of all the services we offer. If you are exploring the credit union as a new financial institution, refer to the “About Us” page. Many people are already enjoying our professional service! Call either branch for additional information, and a real person will answer.
November 1, 2005
Our Main Office in Fredericton Junction welcomes Wendy Kennedy to our management team. Wendy brings to us many years of experience in the financial services industry. Anyone interested in speaking to Wendy with regard to loans, mortgages, Lines of Credit, RRSP’s and GIC’s should give her a call.
Our Management Team:
Main Office, Fredericton Junction:

Debbie Muzzerall, Branch Manager
Direct Phone Line: 506-368-9031
email: info@citizenscreditunion.com
Wendy Kennedy, Financial Services Officer
Direct Phone Line: 506-368-9033
email: mail@citizenscreditunion.com
Rochelle McLaughlin, Operations Manager
Direct Phone Line: 506-368-9032
email: info@citizenscreditunion.com
Village of Gagetown Branch:
Debbie Banks, Branch Manager
Direct Phone Line: 506-488-2988
email: banks@citizenscreditunion.com